Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our Favorite Things: 10 month edition

More of our favorites!

Baby Mum-Mums

This great little snack, Caleb loves. He's had the apple, banana, and vegetable flavor. I think he likes banana best.

Pampers Diapers
I started using these ever since he was born. The hospital provided us with Pampers and I just love this brand. We've tried Huggies and didn't like them. I do miss the Pampers Swaddlers. Those seemed to work a lot better, but they don't make them in his size anymore. 

Fisher Price Laugh & Learn App

This app is great, Caleb loves it. He's learned to tap/swipe the phone to get to the next animal. It's crazy how they learn this kind of stuff.

Happy Puffs

Now that Caleb has his little teeth, these are easier for him to chew. These puffs are great. We've only tried the greens flavor, and he likes them. I like them, lol. It's great hand-mouth coordination practice, helps get his chewing skills in order and are a great distraction. We love these things!

Gerber Yogurt Melts

Another food favorite. These are also good for him biting and chewing and sucking and also a great distraction. Lol. He likes putting his hand into the bag and grabbing one for himself.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

9 MONTHS OLD!! How is motherhood going?

Caleb is 9 months. He's been outside as long as he was inside. (Well, almost) As much as this time has just flown by, I actually feel like the 9 months with Caleb has been forever compared to the 9 months of pregnancy. Funny how time warps!

On the motherhood front: weight loss has been easier these past few weeks. I'm finally down to pre-pregnancy weight! I still want to tone areas, build muscle, and lose body fat.

Life with a 9 month old is a LITTLE BIT EASIER than life with a 3 month old. I don't want to jinx it though. We do have our moments when our patience runs low, but everyone keeps saying "It gets easier!" and I'm hoping they're right.

I'm sleeping okay. A lot better than before. I usually get around 6 hours until he wakes up for a night feeding. He was sleeping through the whole night for a few months, but I think because his teeth are poking through, he wakes up sometimes now. Mike usually does his night feedings now because I started a new job last month. I have to be up at 4am to be at work by 6am.

Caleb can hold his own bottle, but hasn't learned to feed himself solids yet. (Except finger foods) but as far as holding a spoon, hopefully he learns soon.. 

He eats baby food -- either purees or finger foods and pouches, along with formula in between if he's still hungry. This little guy has quite the appetite!

We usually have 2 naps at 11 and 4 and most of the time they are 2 hours long. I'm actually kind of shocked if he goes longer than 2 hours. I know people say it'll usually go down to 1 nap a day, not sure when that will start.. but let's hope not soon. Lol! I like when it's quiet and I know he's sleeping.

We have entered the world of mobility which so far I kind of prefer to non-mobility, but not really. While I have to keep a closer eye, I love that he is so much more in control of his body and entertainment. He can crawl over to the toy he wants instead of just crying of boredom when the ones around him get old. He crawls fast and long gone are the days where I could leave him playing in the middle of the room and trust he wouldn't move until I got back. Now I have to keep the eye in the back of my head on him at all times. It's fun just to see him explore though. He is pulling up on everything imaginable and is really good at it. There have been less head bonks and tumbles this month than ever before. I'm sure walking is a whole new ball game, but for now we're good. 

He impresses me everyday with his understanding and communication. He understands things like "kiss" and "come here" and he can wave hi or bye-bye (not sure which one it is since they're the same, lol.) He understands "no!" and knows to look for DA-DA after his bath every night at bedtime. He recognizes himself in mirrors and videos. We are working on teaching him to dance, clap, and learning some of his body parts.

He has a hilarious laugh.

He's so fun to be with! This kid is a smile machine. My friends say he is such a sweet boy, and of course I agree :) Most of the time.. lol.

He's the best! Obviously I am biased, but he just gets cuter everyday! 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Our Favorite Things: 8 month edition

Not much is changing in the way of favorite things these days, but here a few!

His Hands/Fingers
Well, actually.. anything really. He's always been putting things into his mouth for the longest time, but now he's teething.. so that means even more stuff is going in there! He is drooling like crazy. I give him teething rings from time to time, but he is WAY more interested in his hands.

Peter Rabbit Organic Baby Food
Caleb practically super fast crawls all the way over to me if I have one of these in my hands. He loves these! I offer it to him for lunch as well as dinner, and eats it right up. I'm not sure if it's just this particular brand, or if it's just the pouch that he likes. When I feed him with a spoon and jar of baby food, he doesn't get AS excited.. but still pretty excited of course, because he knows he's about to eat.. lol.

Pulling himself up on EVERYTHING

Caleb loves to climb, crawl, and just explore every single thing in sight! Sometimes I go around the house and chase him, and he crawls really fast. He giggles and loves every second of it. Just before I filmed this video of him, he held on to the sides of his play yard and went all the around it. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Birthday!!! (Micheal Jr.'s Birth Story)

At first, I hadn't planned on sharing Jr.'s story. At least not again. (I wrote about it after we lost him 2 years ago, on a tumblr post. Long story short, I deleted tumblr, which deleted that post, along w/ all of my pregnancy updates on him, and I hated myself for it. Now I just have those memories in my head.) Anyway, since it's his birthday today.. I wanted to share this.

As I sit here, I'm struggling to think of the words to best describe that day. I have gone over it a thousand times in my head, thought about how to explain the emotions, the tears. I guess the only way to start is to start. Here goes.

On Thursday, September 1st 2011 around midnight, I noticed pink spotting. I passed it off as nothing big until it turned bright red. I was also experiencing cramps. They were very painful and came and went. I immediately called my doctor's office and the medical assistant told me she'd call back after she notified the doctor. She called me back and said to go to the ER. Around 1am, we got to the ER. They kept me there for several hours, hooked up to an IV and monitored me and the baby. They confirmed that I was having contractions. They gave me medicine to ease the pain and stop the contractions. Thankfully, they stopped hours later. However, I was still bleeding a little bit but it wasn't heavy, so they weren't worried about it. Around 7am, I was discharged and they sent me home. I was told to make a doctor's appointment that same morning. The office didn't open until 9am, so Mike and I picked up some McDonald's breakfast on the way home. I took a little nap and at 9am, I called to be seen and made the appointment for 10am.

As I was getting ready for my appointment, I started having the contractions again. This time they came back stronger. I wasn't too worried because I thought it was just going to be the same thing that happened. I drove to the office myself because Mike needed to get some sleep in case he had to go in to work.

I arrived at the doctor's office and the contractions had stopped. They did a vaginal ultrasound. I saw the image of Jr. and asked if everything was okay. I remember the tech calling in for a nurse and her telling her that the wand wasn't even inside of me. I immediately thought that couldn't be good. I asked again if everything was okay and she told me that my doctor would tell me everything. After my ultrasound, I was seen by my doctor and she did a pelvic exam. Seconds after examining me, she pulled away from the table and, expressionless, though calm feeling in her voice, she said, "You're about 4cm dilated. You're going to deliver today. Since he's only 23 weeks, there is a chance that you may lose this baby." I remember tears immediately falling down my face, I couldn't speak, I was immediately weak. She asked if Mike was here and I told her no. I called him what seemed like a million times and there was no answer. I knew he was sleeping and his phone was probably on silent. I was so scared and worried, all I wanted was for him to wake up and pick up the phone. I gave up and let the doctor know that no one was picking up. She told me she would notify the police to go down there and notify him. Thankfully though, he woke up and called me back before she got the chance to do so. I didn't know how to tell him, I just blurted out "We might lose the baby!" as I cried. I'm sure he panicked all the way over to the hospital.

The ambulance arrived at the office and I was put on a stretcher and rolled out the office. Everyone around me was trying to comfort me. The medic asked if they did a pelvic exam or ultrasound at the ER. They didn't. The nurses said they weren't allowed to do a pelvic exam. The medic told me they should have. We got to the hospital around 12pm and I was wheeled to a delivery room. Mike arrived and I was so relieved to finally have him by my side. I was put on medications to stop the labor process. They also put steroids to speed up Jr.'s lung development. A catheter was put in, since I was now restricted to the bed.  They did another ultrasound to see the position of the baby, and he was still head up.

As the medication took effect and the contractions began to fade, the doctor informed us that our situation was going to go one of two ways: either we'd deliver today or in the next few days, with little chance of the baby surviving, or we could be in the hospital for 4, 5, 6 weeks, waiting. Weeks?! Mike and I hoped and prayed it was the second case.

Looking back now, 2 years later, this has been kind of hard trying to remember everything. It just made me sad realizing that I shouldn't have deleted tumblr or at least saved that story. Stupid me! Anyway, back to the story...

A few hours later, as I was just laying there with Mike next to me, I felt a pop inside, and a rush of warm liquid. My eyes widened and I look at Mike. "I think my water just broke," I said. Mike hurried to call for a nurse and she and some other nurse came. It was happening. The very thing we prayed against was going to happen. There was no stopping it now. I didn't even push. It was 3:56pm, September 1, 2011. Our tiny angel was out during a contraction. There was no way of holding him in. They told me he was trying to breathe. I heard him. He was placed on my chest, wrapped in a blanket. His tiny body was warm and he barely moved. We talked to him, told him how much we loved him, repeated it over and over, and cried. He let out a tiny little coo and my heart melted. Several minutes later, he stopped breathing. He was gone. The nurse took him away for his bath and for him to be weighed and all that. He was 1 pound 2 ounces. 11 inches long. They brought him back after he was changed and everything and we got to spend as much time we needed with him. When we were ready, I was discharged and sent home with a keepsake memory box filled with his clothes, footprints, hospital bands, all that stuff. I didn't want those things at the time. I wanted my son back.

We had to cremate our son. It felt unnatural. There is nothing that seems right about having to cremate (or bury) your child. But, I'll forever have my sights set on heaven, and I'm looking forward to my reunion with Jr.

And best friend. He never left my side. This isn't just a story of Jr. This is also the story of a marriage strengthened. In five years, we had experienced so much together, but nothing that would change us like this. We knew we'd never be the same, but we'd be different together. I think Jr. made us want to cherish our next baby even more. Never take him/her for granted. Now we have Caleb, and please know that he's no replacement for Jr. and I know he's the best little brother in the world. Every diaper I change, every bath I give, every bite I feed Caleb, I'm doing it for Jr. too. I would give anything to take care of Jr. too. I do treasure every second with Caleb. And I'm sure Mike feels the same way. This pregnancy definitely taught me to not take anything for granted. I had a healthy pregnancy. Everything was fine with no complications. It all happened so spontaneously. 

In these past 2 years, Mike and I have been able to smile again. I no longer feel like the people who lost a child. I no longer feel like people look at us and feel sorry for us.

My heart wishes he was still here. He would be 2 years old today. Crazy! If he were here though, Caleb wouldn't be. And I couldn't imagine what life would be like without him. I can't wait to hold Jr. again though. Until then...


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Our Favorite Things: 6 month edition

Now that Caleb is a little older, most of our favorite things consist of toys! (or at least they're toys to him)

iPhone 5
He loves it! Always trying to grab it. When he sees it laying on the bed or floor, he crawls to it. He likes to put it in his mouth, but we don't let him. Mike's is covered with an Otter Box case, so we let him play with that one. Supposedly unbreakable, lol. Child proof. 

XBOX Controller
I think he likes the green light that comes on whenever Mike is playing. He'll sit there & stare at it, wanting to grab it. I let him play with the extra one we have & he just bangs on it or puts it in his mouth.

Bumkins Bibs

I love these bibs. They fit perfectly & are super easy to clean. They're wide enough to cover his whole body. This is definitely my favorite for when I'm feeding him solids.

Bright Starts Bounce Baby
We like this because of all the different toys & he loves to stand. There's lots of lights & music, beads that spin, & things that make noise. His favorite is the mirror & the sunflower that spins around & makes a clicking sound. The seat spins around, so he can easily play with all of the toys.

Munchkin BPA Free Soft Tip Infant Spoons

I like these spoons because they're thin & lightweight, & fit easily into Caleb's mouth. He seems to just slurp the food off the spoon, lol.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

6 MONTHS OLD!! How is motherhood going?

I really no longer feel like I just had a baby. In fact, it all seems like a distant blur that happened years ago! Okay well maybe not years ago. Still not ready to have another one though, lol. Maybe when Caleb's about a year & a half, we can try for another one. Just the thought crossing my mind, omg. That's next July!

Updates on the mom front...

I'm tired all the time it seems. There are a few nights when I've gotten some really good chunks of sleep. We dropped a night feeding, so Caleb will sleep for 9-10 hours. It's rare if he wakes up for a night feeding now. If he does, it's usually between 1-3am. Anyway, I don't go to bed right when Caleb falls asleep (although I should), so I find myself getting 5-6 hours of decent sleep. I still wake up tired and will nap whenever Caleb naps.

I'm doing pretty well with weight loss. For a while, I kept yo-yo-ing from 136-139 lbs.. but just recently I went grocery shopping for nothing but healthy foods, and right now I'm at 135 lbs. Eating healthy definitely works. I've been running and going to the gym as well. I feel like that gives me more energy whenever I do. I don't always get an exercise in though, but I make sure to compensate for it on my next workout. I have abs again! Not saying that they're abs of steel, but you can feel them and see the outline of it starting to come in. I'm slimming down a little, and I've definitely gotten stronger. I'm lifting more at the gym! And I can definitely give credit to this guy below! He's super heavy.

Anyway, I can't believe this boy is 6 months! (and he's about to be 7, since I'm updating this blog so late.. he's been 6 months for 2 weeks now, lol) He's growing too fast!! I feel like we're hitting that age where they just learn at lightning speed.

New developments include...

Sitting! Caleb is able to sit without support for long periods of time now, but we like to keep pillows around him because he still falls over on occasion. 

Eating! Although we started solids at 4 months, he has gotten better since then! He loves to eat real food :)

Caleb's 6 month check up isn't 'til next Tuesday. Can't wait to see how he's growing. He's been in 6-9 month clothes for a while now. Everyone says he's a big boy, so we'll see just how big he really is!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Losing Inches While I Lift My Bum Bum

I haven't been to the gym in a really long time. *Sigh* Like, in a month or so. Maybe longer. It took too much work to actually get there because I had to wait until Mike got off work so that he could watch Caleb. It was easy when he was getting off early, but then he started getting off later. By the time he would get home, it would be too late for me to go to the gym. (Okay, not really that late.. but it would be around rush hour time and the gym on post is 45 min. away, so that would take almost an hour with traffic. And around that time is when everybody is getting off work, so the gym would be super crowded with dudes in the army, hogging all the weights, and the gym just wasn't the place to be for me anymore. It was way too crowded and stressful trying to hurry and do my workout and try to rush home to shower and cook dinner.) Anyway, that being said.. I started doing the Brazilian Butt Lift workout videos 2 weeks ago. I'm doing the 27 day program and right now I'm on day 17. I started off doing it while Mike was at work and during Caleb's naps, but now his naps are so unpredictable. They can be anywhere from 30 min.-2 hrs. So I decided to do it when Mike comes home from work. He comes home around 4:30pm. I feed Caleb formula at 5pm, cook dinner at 5:30pm, eat at 6pm, feed Caleb solids at 6:30pm, and workout at 7pm. We bathe him around 7:45-8pm and he gets his last bottle after his bath, then he is in bed at 8:30pm. When he's asleep, I go ahead and shower and then do whatever until around 9:30pm, and that is my bedtime. That has been my nightly routine the past couple of weeks. (Except weekends, everything is the same, but I go to bed later because Mike and I usually stay up and watch a movie together or something.)

I've been making efforts to make healthier choices. It's hard though, with Mike around. He likes eating fast food and junk snacks and all that. I indulge every now and then. When we move back to Vegas, I want to start meal prepping. I think that will help me stick to eating healthy and make things easier. :) Mike and I were talking about maybe trying a Paleo diet to see how that works. I'm not sure how he's going to do it though, because you can't have dairy, and he eats cheese with everything.. lol.

I've had a mini goal this month to keep me motivated. My little sister's graduation is next week and then my birthday (also Mike's birthday) is the week after that. I want to look slimmer in all the pictures we're going to be taking, lol. I still can't fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans without me having a muffin top yet. :(

Anyway, when we move back to Vegas, my goal is to go to the gym as much as I can and tone up. (Hopefully my family will want to babysit, lol.)

Latest measurements, which I am satisfied with so far :D

Upper Arms - 12 inches
Forearms - 9 1/2 inches 9 inches
Thighs - 24 1/2 inches 24 inches
Calves - 14 1/2 inches
Waist - 30 inches 29 inches
Hips - 41 1/2 inches 40 inches
Chest - 34 inches

Physically keeping track of the inches I lose for the next month. I need to take a progress pic, but maybe I'll do that later. But, if I could lose a few more inches before my birthday... I will be even more satisfied!

This weekend is going to be interesting. We are driving to Vegas and it's a 29 hour drive! That's not including baby stops. Poor us.


Monday, May 27, 2013

4 Month Check-Up

Caleb had his 4 month check-up last week. He is 24 inches long and weighs 15.2 lbs, which she said was about 6th percentile for height and 39th for weight. Caleb is a SHORT baby! (but then again, he was born 4 weeks early) But he's perfectly healthy and doing great! The main concern we had when we went was this bump on his nose. It started out as a scratch (he scratched near his nostril) and then it turned into a bump. I was hoping it wasn't infected or anything. She said it's probably just a hypertrophic scar (because there isn't any pus or fluid draining from it) and that as he gets older it will get better. In the meantime, she said we could put Mederma on it, so that's what we've been doing since. Hopefully it goes away. 

Then, poor Caleb had to get his 4 month shots. He screamed a lot longer/sadder than his first set of shots, but he still did good afterwards. 

We started feeding Caleb solids 2 weeks ago. We started off with oatmeal cereal. We bought the Beech Nut brand (which is all natural, I suppose). We also bought their applesauce. He really likes applesauce, but the oatmeal cereal, not so much. This weekend, I bought Earth's Best Organic Peas. He likes that as well. I'm excited for him to try more flavors as time goes by. I read that you should wait a few days in between starting a new food so that you know if they're allergic to anything. The doctor said 3 days is good, but I'm going to wait at least a week.

I can't believe how fast my little chunkster is growing!
LOVE him.



Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Favorite Things: 4 month edition

Caleb turned 4 months, 5 days ago! And yay, I remembered to do a favorites! 4 months into baby Caleb's little life, and we already have so many things that we cannot possibly live without. A few things have changed on our favorites list in comparison to the list at 2 months, but nothing major.

Here is what we are loving right now:

Caleb's Bernie
It's a bear head (so I thought it was, but after searching for a picture of it online, apparently it's a puppy, lol) on a soft blanket with silk trim, and it says "HUGS". My little sister's best friend's family gave it to him as a baby gift. We give it to him and he quickly wraps his arms around it and puts it in his mouth. He always smiles when we give it to him. He loves snuggling up with it. Oh, I named it Bernie because it was the first name that came to me that starts with a B :) ..but now that it's a puppy and not a bear.. we're still going to call it Bernie.

This is one of the books that he likes. We've only bought 3 books for him so far, but he loves all of them. He loves looking at the pictures, especially in this book. He also loves Curious George and the Pizza Party. When I read it to him, he gets all excited and starts kicking and I feel like he's really engaged into all of the pictures and the story I'm reading (even though he can't understand what I'm saying.) The other book is DC Superheroes Storybook Collection. He likes that book too, but not as much as the other two. I think it's because the pictures aren't as bright and contrasting.

He seems to have a real interest in standing all the time (with our help of course). I can't wait to go back to Vegas because we have a hand me down baby gift waiting. It's one of those stationary jumpers. So hopefully since he loves standing so much, he'll love that and learn how to use the toys around it.

Fisher-Price Animal Krackers Fun Tub
When he was a newborn, his whole body fit into the sling. Now, his legs are hanging out and his feet are in the water.. lol. He just discovered splashing, so now he loves to kick and splash me and Mike as we're giving him a bath. The sling keeps him in a really good position for bathing. We don't have to hold him and bathe him. We love this tub and he really loves baths. This was a gift from my uncle Vincent. He gave us money as a baby gift and this was one of the things we purchased with it.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Ooohs and Aaahs

Finally caught a video of Caleb babbling. He does this every single time he's about to fall asleep. Who knows what he's saying. Maybe his prayers, lol. I had to sneak the camera, so that's why it's not in his face.. lol. He always seems to stop talking when all eyes are on him. 


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dirty Kitchen

My kitchen is starting to GROSS ME OUT.

Seriously. It's the place where I lay my food out and expose it to everything floating in the air. Sometimes I drop food on the counter and think nothing of it, pick it up and throw it back on my plate. I turn on the faucet, turn off the faucet, move the faucet head, open the oven, shut the oven, open the microwave, shut the microwave, open the fridge, shut the fridge, open the dishwasher, shut the dishwasher, open the cabinets, shut the cabinets...

And it's very rare that I sanitize those things. And I touch those things without washing my hands first all the time. 


I need to spend a good 15-20 minutes cleaning and sanitizing the kitchen sometime this week. I have to do it stages because Caleb loves to interrupt everything.

Yuck yuck yuck.


Monday, April 29, 2013

A Quickie (update on fitness, that is)

Nope, no gym or workout yesterday. I've been eating pretty well, but not moving my body. My weight dropped a lb, but I still feel the same. I got on the scale when I went to the gym on Saturday. I weigh 138 now. 3 more lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight!

But I'm having some motivation problems.

I used to be all like, "Let's do this! I'm going to work out and eat right and blah blah blah!" Yeah. Right. I only worked out two times last week. My eating, like I said, has still been pretty healthy. I barely drink any water, and this weekend I drank alcohol. (Tried that Redd's Apple Ale, which was pretty darn yummy! and I drank 4 bottles of it) I also had pizza that night we drank. 1 slice though. But that slice alone was 350 calories of pure carbs and fat. No bueno.

Bottom line? My motivation is lagging.

It's just that.. I count on the gym too much. I love the gym. It's my place to be free and not have to worry about getting a quick workout in before Caleb wakes up. It's free access to weights and machines. I just love weights. Hate cardio. When I work out at home with body weight exercises, the stability ball.. I don't feel like I'm working hard enough. Since I'm at home, I just feel like I half ass everything. I only have a pair of 12 lb dumbbells, and that's too heavy for some workouts and too light for others. If I could go to the gym 5 days a week, I totally would.. but we don't have a babysitter and we don't trust the daycare at the gym. My husband used to come home from work pretty early, enough where I have time to go to the gym, come home and still cook dinner. Lately though, he's been getting off work late, and by that time it's already time to cook dinner soon and I really don't want to drive in traffic for an hour to get to the gym, take another hour/hour and 30 min to work out, then drive back home and by that time it's already bedtime. No. Doesn't work for me. I know, no excuses.. but lately, I've been thinking of every excuse in the book to not workout at home. (Oh, I gotta update my resume. Oh, I gotta apply for jobs. Oh, I can't cuz Caleb's naps are too short. Well, they ARE pretty short though.. 30 min. isn't enough for a workout.) So yeah..

The way I see it, I have two options at this point. I can maintain where I am for a while, or I can find the motivation and keep going. I have to find that motivation.

Hopefully when we move back to Vegas, I'll be able to have some babysitters for me so I can hit the gym more often. Cannot wait!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Update On Life

Well, I just thought that I would update on the last week. We're moving back to Vegas in a couple of months, so we've been looking at houses online. We need to find a house soon. I've also been trying to get in contact with a few people I know for graphic design jobs in Vegas. I plan on applying to a few places today when Caleb goes down for a nap. We still need to figure out when Caleb and I will move back first and what we need to pack and what can go into storage for now. Mike has been doing his ACAP (where they prepare you for getting out of the army & going into a new career). He's also been looking at possible job options for him too when he gets out. It's going to be long days with him at work, so no gym time for me. I've been working out at home, but I hate it so much.. I don't feel like I get a good enough work out in. I wish I had an elliptical. It's too hot to go outside for walks now and it's hard to do that anyway, with Caleb. Caleb is getting so big. I don't know how much he weighs now, but we'll see at his 4 month check up next month. Last night he laid under his activity gym and was having an altercation with the elephant hanging above him. Lol. He pulled on the little ring it's attached to and was mean mugging it and everything. Then he started hitting it, just attacking it.. lol, it was so funny. Mike was doing a voice over for Caleb, lol. Yesterday he also sat up in his Bumbo longer than usual (which was only like 5 minutes). I don't know why he doesn't like to sit in that chair. He'll sit up on mine or Mike's lap, on the couch, or on the floor with us holding him up.. but not in that Bumbo. He starts to slump over and it's like his back muscles just get lazy, lol. I want his next appointment to hurry up already. I want to ask when he can start eating rice cereal.

Anyway, on to other updates..

Caleb is smiling a lot now. And drooling a lot too. He also does this thing now where he does a complete 180 when laying down. I'll lay him with his head in one position and go to the kitchen to make a bottle or something, then come back and his head is on the opposite side.. lol. It started the other day during the night. I laid him in bed normally after his feeding and 3 hours later when he woke up to eat again, his head was on the opposite side. It was so funny, lol. I woke Mike up to look at him and he's like, "How the heck?" Lol. So last night he was doing it again as he was watching the basketball game and I was watching him in action. He kicks his feet and lifts his body up while scooting over to the side.. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'll get it on video some day. He still can't roll over though. He rolls to his side (which by the way is his new preferred way of sleeping too). I lay him in bed and he rolls to his side and falls asleep. And it's always his left side, he never wants to be on his right side. I want him to roll over completely already, lol. He doesn't like tummy time though, so I don't know how he's ever going to roll from tummy to back. He may do back to tummy first. He likes to stand a lot (with us holding him of course). Maybe he'll be one of those who learn to walk before crawling, lmao.


Monday, April 15, 2013

3 MONTHS OLD!! How is motherhood going?

Caleb is three months old today!

Sometimes Caleb makes a face that reminds me of his newborn self. His face has changed SO much though. And as you can see, he is bald! We shaved his head a few weeks ago.

Look at the difference in his face, lol. He looks like a totally different baby. This is 3 weeks...

And this is 3 months...


I'm really enjoying reading to him. We only bought him two books from Target. Dr. Seuss' ABC's and DC Comics Super Heroes. I haven't read the Super Hero book to him though because it's way too long, lol. "Ain't nobody got time for that." 

We have been putting Caleb down to bed around 9:30/10 and on a good night he sleeps 4-5 hours and on a not so good night he sleeps 3. When I hear him start to wake up, the first thing I do is look at the clock since I never have any idea how long I have actually been asleep. I'm always hoping for a 2 or 3 but occasionally I see a 12 and I know it's going to be a long night. 

He is soooo cute when he cries, although I never want it to last. But that little face!

It amazes me that baby breath always smells good. It's probably because they're not eating bacteria filled people food, but you'd still think after sleeping...they'd have morning breath, but no! My sweet Caleb's smells like babies, lol.

Caleb has really started to talk more and lets out long "ohhhhhs" or "ahhhhhs".

In the movies, parents are always going into their children's bedrooms to pat them on the head or kiss them while they're sleeping. While I would LOVE to do this, I wouldn't wanna risk waking up my sleeping baby! Lol.

Caleb loves playing with his activity gym! & of course I love taking pictures of him! Lol, he stopped to take the picture.

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