On the motherhood front: weight loss has been easier these past few weeks. I'm finally down to pre-pregnancy weight! I still want to tone areas, build muscle, and lose body fat.
Life with a 9 month old is a LITTLE BIT EASIER than life with a 3 month old. I don't want to jinx it though. We do have our moments when our patience runs low, but everyone keeps saying "It gets easier!" and I'm hoping they're right.
I'm sleeping okay. A lot better than before. I usually get around 6 hours until he wakes up for a night feeding. He was sleeping through the whole night for a few months, but I think because his teeth are poking through, he wakes up sometimes now. Mike usually does his night feedings now because I started a new job last month. I have to be up at 4am to be at work by 6am.
Caleb can hold his own bottle, but hasn't learned to feed himself solids yet. (Except finger foods) but as far as holding a spoon, hopefully he learns soon..
He eats baby food -- either purees or finger foods and pouches, along with formula in between if he's still hungry. This little guy has quite the appetite!
We usually have 2 naps at 11 and 4 and most of the time they are 2 hours long. I'm actually kind of shocked if he goes longer than 2 hours. I know people say it'll usually go down to 1 nap a day, not sure when that will start.. but let's hope not soon. Lol! I like when it's quiet and I know he's sleeping.
We have entered the world of mobility which so far I kind of prefer to non-mobility, but not really. While I have to keep a closer eye, I love that he is so much more in control of his body and entertainment. He can crawl over to the toy he wants instead of just crying of boredom when the ones around him get old. He crawls fast and long gone are the days where I could leave him playing in the middle of the room and trust he wouldn't move until I got back. Now I have to keep the eye in the back of my head on him at all times. It's fun just to see him explore though. He is pulling up on everything imaginable and is really good at it. There have been less head bonks and tumbles this month than ever before. I'm sure walking is a whole new ball game, but for now we're good.
He impresses me everyday with his understanding and communication. He understands things like "kiss" and "come here" and he can wave hi or bye-bye (not sure which one it is since they're the same, lol.) He understands "no!" and knows to look for DA-DA after his bath every night at bedtime. He recognizes himself in mirrors and videos. We are working on teaching him to dance, clap, and learning some of his body parts.
He has a hilarious laugh.
He's so fun to be with! This kid is a smile machine. My friends say he is such a sweet boy, and of course I agree :) Most of the time.. lol.
He's the best! Obviously I am biased, but he just gets cuter everyday!
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