Sunday, December 30, 2012


With the new year fast approaching, I thought I should get a jump on my resolutions--one of them being to procrastinate less--and actually do the stuff on this list in 2013.


  1. Stop taking everything so seriously
  2. Laugh more
  3. Complain less
  4. Be less jealous
  5. Be more outspoken
  6. Be more confident
  7. Get in shape after recovering from Caleb popping out
  8. Get my size 13 ass back to a size 9 ass
  9. Get back to eating healthier food
  10. Drink more water
  11. Stretch more
  12. Replace my old bras and underwear
  13. Download more albums to my phone
  14. Be the best wife and mother I can be for my family
  15. Remember to take time for myself once in a while
  16. Have date nights with Mike
  17. Remember to spend time with immediate family too
  18. Take more pictures with family and friends
  19. Find a job
  20. Work hard
  21. Save money
  22. Pay off credit card debt
  23. Get more organized
  24. Take a trip
  25. Don't get too stressed out

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