Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kid-proofing Our Marriage


I recently heard of this book called "Babyproofing Your Marriage" and I was drawn to it, because.. everything that goes into having a baby, both the huge job the mommy does, from conception till.. well.. the day she dies, and the hard work that daddy has to put in, really changes a marriage. You go from lovers to co-owners of small day care where the client never, ever leaves.

I need to speak to Mike about making sure to keep the spark alive, have date nights, and stay connected.. but it's hard. Our schedules are whack. Our sleeplessness is whack. Caleb just needs so much all the time. We don't really have date nights, because our schedules are opposite. Maybe we should just take little man along with us on date nights. ...nah, lol.

I miss having grown up dinners and seeing movies together. I want Mike to see me as a woman, a lover, and a wife, and not just a mom.

Kid-proofing our marriage is something I need to commit to and we both have to work at it each day. I don't want us to get even more stale than we've already become and I don't want to lose our spark.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I really needed to read this. I think we're going through the same thing! Nothing wrong with having kids but our lives revolve around them.


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