Tuesday, January 28, 2014

ONE YEAR OLD!! How is motherhood going?

Caleb is so much fun these days. I'm excited that walking and talking and playing are all just around the corner.

At 12 months, Caleb says a lot of "ahhhhhs" and "da-das". We think he says "mommy," but he just says the "m-y" part of it. He says "juice" a lot, and "mmmmm!" when he is eating. He can "mum" when he is hungry. He can shake his head no when he doesn't want to do something or when we tell him not to do something.

He has also started to show us that he knows things by pointing. He can point to his nose and other people's noses. He can also kiss babies in books, and kiss people when they ask for a kiss. When I sing "Let's take a bath.." he looks toward the bathroom and gets super excited.

Anyway, we started giving him cow's milk (about 16 oz a day). He drinks a bottle before his nap and a bottle before bed. We've tried giving him milk in a zippy cup, but he doesn't like it. I think it's the fact that he associates milk with a bottle and thinks it's weird coming from a sippy, because he seems to do just fine drinking juice or water from it. He still wakes up for a night feeding from time to time. I think it just depends on how much he ate during the day and how active he was. He doesn't wake up if we feed him more frequently or if we go out somewhere. He's knocked out the whole night after a long day.

He has taken 2-3 steps at a time and is good at standing up on his own in the middle of a room when we let him go. He seems a little lazy though, he sits back down after realizing he's been standing for a minute.. lol. 

Caleb has started to become a picky eater, which I hear is totally normal. He's really into wanting to try adult food these days. He's always wanting to pick at our plates. He has yet to turn down cheese, so I'd say that's his favorite food. He also seems to really like yogurt and bread. We get him to eat veggies and he loves meat. I think he's very diverse in his choice of foods. Sometimes he even offers me food now as well, lol.

We are down to napping pretty much once a day, but that changes every now and then. He kind of just goes with the flow. Some days he takes two 2-hour naps and other days he takes one 30 min nap and sometimes he takes one 3-hour nap. I never really get to be home with him during the day, but Mike keeps me updating on day to day things. I miss them when I'm at work all the time! The only real time I get to spend with Caleb is after I come home from work, but even then it's not much time. I get home around 6pm and he's asleep by 8:30pm most nights.

Anyway, if you couldn't tell by the pictures.. we cut his hair again! It was right before Christmas. I miss his curly hair. He still looks cute without it though! Looks much older without the curls. Dada cut it and he did a great job.

Running out of things to say, so I'll leave with some pictures from his birthday... 

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