Monday, March 4, 2013

Workout Routine

So here is the weaksauce workout I started doing last week.

I haven't been doing cardio, and I'm not going to yet until I get my muscle endurance up. I just want to prep my muscles for heavier weight so that I can do more intense training down the road. Once I do that, then I'll start doing some cardio.

I do 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise (except abs, I do 3 sets of 24.. yoga plank, I do that 3 times and hold for 30 sec each), and rest for 1 minute in between each set. Depending on how crowded the gym is, it takes about an hour total at the gym.

Monday- Chest/Triceps (chest press machine, dumbbell bench press, flyes machine, dumbbell triceps extension, triceps pushdown)
Tuesday- Back/Biceps (wide lat pull down, isolation row, seated cable rows, underhand pulldowns, alternate bicep curl, preacher curl, biceps cable curl)
Wednesday- Legs/Calves (leg press, leg extension machine, plate loaded squat, seated leg curl machine, standing calf raises, seated calf raise)
Thursday- Shoulders/Abs (dumbbell press, dumbbell front raise, side lateral raise, bent over deltoid raise, exercise ball crunch, air bike, hanging leg raises, yoga plank)
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Rest
Sunday- Rest

As far as eating goes, I measure everything whenever possible. I eat 4 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner). I take a multivitamin and fish oil everyday, along with other supplements.

Today is the start of week 2 and I've been resting for 3 days, so I'm so eager to hit the weights today!


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