Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bad, Sad, or Ugly Days

Some days knock us off our feet, rip our hearts out, make us feel sad, defeated, or like we just can't deal with these problems in life any longer.

I took this picture from the windshield of my car. I love how the rays of the sun are shining down through the clouds. No matter what storm clouds are in your life, the sun is always there right above the clouds, waiting to shine rays of hope and happiness.

My life is so far from perfect, it hurts some days. I can't talk about all the things that hurt my heart that I deal with, but so much pain is there some days. From difficult things in my life, relationship matters, worries about finances, missing my son, to moments where some sad thoughts try to creep in.

I know everyone must feel this way sometimes, so I know I'm not alone. 

After losing my son, my heart felt like it fell to the floor. I could've easily let depression set in my heart, but I didn't. I wasn't feeling well for a while. I was overwhelmed with all of my emotions. He was in my womb for only 23 weeks, he was taken away from my husband and I so quickly. I'm sad that he's no longer here with us, physically, but I know he's here in spirit.. but I'm glad that he's in heaven with God and that he doesn't have to deal with any of the pain and struggles we have to endure here on earth. 

Life is full of trials and tribulations. We will never have a life free of problems and hurt, but we can grow from it all. We can deal with problems and our hearts grow bigger. "You can grow bitter or you can grow better." Some of the most incredible people I know have been through the toughest things. They didn't let a hard life make them bitter. They developed more character and strength. 

They have joy in their life and they inspire me to have hope and be strong!

Huge hugs and love,

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